Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Plein Air-Critique is a Bonus!

Plein air (in French "open air") and the painter will participate in a seminar on a variety of reasons. Perhaps his painting skills, are the quality for long periods of time in which to paint, or perhaps just to get to the daily life routine, and get a fresh perspective in this work.

The workshop begins present themselves to the category of teacher members. He then gives an overview of the specific guidelines for this category are related to the tour and in the days of the lesson. Members are then free to choose their location on a given territory and in the paint until lunch.

After lunch and rest, perhaps it is time again, until, that is to say, when the pm of 4 class assembles for the critique of paint. Class members are expected to bring the paintings, they have been working on for the same period, regardless of whether they are finished.

"Critique" can be a scary Word, especially for beginners. "But," you can say, "my painting as bad, that I do not want it, listening to". I want to tell you, is the feeling of the other class in the same way. In addition, just as you know, the 10th classifier regularly operates, you need to go through the categories 1-9 to get there, so everyone had to be in the advanced settings by getting started to go through, if he is today.

Here is the class of positive: some of the more erudite than you, somewhat less. All come from different backgrounds and experiences and have different amounts of talent. You can learn a lot just looking at paintings and listen to critiques by category basis. You can learn how a strong components and their paintings of the weak parts. You can learn how to understand the comments, the category of the poor and to improve the elements (a). You can learn to type and pursue is given in the comments. This process is the training for my eyes see your painting of strong and weak parts and the artist sees a way to see.

When it's your turn displays her own painting (s), you can see them in a new light. It's amazing ideas to the people is to improve the work. Can never be noticed yourself, and all will be as positive and empathetic ideas to the contrary. You learned ways to improve your skills and so happy, the risk appears to work, to be welcomed.

Mary's Art, Inc., we have a wide variety of oil paintings painted a canvas of the original manuscript. These attractive, colorful paintings were created en plein air (in French "open air"), in the spirit and emotions of nature and bring them on your computer, you can. They are modern in style, somewhat abstract expressionism and the tart. Visit the http://www.murphyartstudio.com/ and find the paintings, you will love.

View the original article here

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