Saturday, July 16, 2011

Use of color wheel

The painting shows a Sunny Day in the countryside, where two of the women and children wander through an open field. Summer skies, fluffy white clouds are filled is bordered by mature trees in the dark, which almost hides away from the line in the farmhouse. In the wild, scattered poppies graze field, fill the foreground. What we see in this painting, the color of the template?

Predominant color: yellow-green. Impressionists was aware of the vivid landscape display, mainly in yellow. The yellow-green grass meets, so almost the fabric.

The adjacent shades: yellow tips on grass and makes small numbers; straw hats in a soft yellow tints on the walls in the farm. Green makes a bold line of trees on the horizon and the shadows-field.

Complement: violet. In the foreground, a woman in a small image to think of this dress.

Discord in shades of red poppies are clumped immediately in the foreground color of the softening the intensity as they recede graze the slope upwards. Blue sky looks to the clouds, and nearer to the woman's parasol price levels.

Neutral shades: very subtle blends of colours, painting the entire number. You can check how this works, the research shows that the Wheel of color on my site, you can copy both models.

I mentioned previously, the Chroma. This is a color that can be changed by adding an area of small quantities of the intensity of the complementary colour.

Value refers to the darkness or lightness of color. Some of the shades can never be as deep as the other value. You can see by looking at the wheel, for example, that yellow can never be so even if is violet its maximum intensity or Chroma value of one of the deep.

So how can you use this information to respond to a particular color? For example, may need to correspond to the strong, greyish blue storm clouds, landscape.

Squeeze the tube slightly in the clouds, probably the closest to the cobalt blue is blue. You can edit this a bit with its complement, which you know is orange. (If you have, you can use the cadmium Orange, but why not mix it yourself, cadmium yellow, and Red cadmium?)

It does not find the correct yet. When comparing the customer in the mixture, these clouds will try to see if the difference lies in the chroma, or value. If it is too hard, chroma, add a little more orange. If the value is too dark, add some white.

After you've gone overboard with a white, not be tempted to add black to darken the mixture. Add a little more of cobalt blue. Keep tuning in your reply, is correct.

First, you have a lot of stick-at-it-Ness, but believe me, it will soon seem easy as a pie chart when the principles of the second nature to you.

When you make a habit of choosing the work plan of the ground, that "on the basis of the ' pie slice color wheel on the before you begin painting, you never have a second bad color system is the cause of the error. © Dorothy Gauvin

Dorothy Gauvin is an internationally acclaimed Australian painter, specialising in Australian pioneers epic theme. See pictures of his "Life story" portraits, ABC also homemade tools for painters arthritis, plus tips and advice for artists and collectors of his Exhibits website at

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